Rules 2025

Competition rules


a) The official name of the competition: XI. International Balaton Carp Cup (hereinafter referred to as the “competition”).

b) The organizer of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”): Tematik-Kábel Kft. (1012 Budapest, Márvány u. 17.).

c) Date of the competition: From 2025.04.13. 12:00 PM to 2025.04.19. 08:00 AM.

d) Registration dates:

2025.04.11. from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 01:00 PM to 06:00 PM (in scheduled time slots)

2025.04.12. from 08:00 AM to 02:30 PM (in scheduled time slots) at Lake Balaton

e) Venue of the competition: Lake Balaton

f) Competition center: Club Tihany Resort, 8237 Tihany, Rév u.3., Hungary

g) Official website of the competition:

h) Official Facebook page of the competition:

i) To maintain the professional standards and philosophy represented by the International Balaton Carp Cup series, we strongly urge everyone to strictly adhere to fishing ethics!

j) The competition is an open international team event.

k) The competition is held according to the “Catch and Release” principle.

l) In the creation of these competition rules (hereinafter referred to as CR), special attention was paid to ensuring fairness and equality, as well as eliminating random elements/events during the competition and evaluation, in accordance with CIPS/FIPSed international carp fishing competition rules, MOHOSZ National Competition Rules (NCR), international anti-doping regulations, and Hungarian National Fishing Regulations and Lake Balaton Fishing Regulations. The organizer emphasizes the importance of environmental protection and proper behavior, and the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption. Anyone who does not comply with these rules may be excluded from the competition by the Competition Jury after a prior warning.

m) In line with the spirit and rules of the competition, only anglers with impeccable backgrounds may participate, whose names have not been associated with any proven ethical violations, misdemeanors, or crimes related to fish or fish protection. Competitors will sign a declaration of integrity during registration (Appendix 1 of CR).

n) The organizer ensures that the rules it has established are always enforced and retains the right to enforce them, but cannot change them after 2025.04.01.

o) Any irregularities reported or observed by the organizers will be immediately investigated and, depending on the severity, may lead to disqualification.

p) The organizer declares that it will report any detected legal violations during the competition and reserves the right to immediate/post-event disqualification and to reclaim any awarded prizes in cases where the sanctioning provisions of the CR are not followed, or where the competitor’s declaration of integrity is proven to be false.

q) The official languages of the competition are English and Hungarian. The competition rules are prepared in both Hungarian and English, but in the event of any interpretative discrepancies arising from the translation, the Hungarian version shall prevail. In case of discrepancies between the appendices and the CR, the CR shall prevail. Any subsequent modifications and additions to the CR will be published by the organizer within 1 day of their acceptance, in accordance with the current provisions of the CR. No substantial changes to the CR can be made within 8 days of the competition start date.

r) The official currency of the competition is the euro (EUR). s) All times specified in the CR and for the competition are in CET.

2. Dates

  • Registration at the competition center:
    • 2025.04.11 from 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM (in scheduled time slots)
    • 2025.04.12 from 08:00 AM to 02:30 PM (in scheduled time slots)
  • Gathering at the competition center waterfront: 2025.04.12. at 03:00 PM
  • Group photo: 2025.04.12 at 03:15 PM
  • Flag parade: 2025.04.12 at 03:15 PM
  • Official opening ceremony at the competition center conference room: 2025.04.12 at 03:30 PM
  • Drawing of fishing spots: 2025.04.12 at 04:00 PM
  • Occupation of campsites: From 07:00 AM on 2025.04.13
  • Start of the competition: 2025.04.13 at 12:00 PM
  • End of the competition: 2025.04.19 at 08:00 AM
  • Awards ceremony at the competition center conference room: 2025.04.19 at 03:00 PM

3; Entry

In addition to the changes in the competition rules, the IBCC organizers aim to maintain the international character of the 2025 competition by setting a limited team quota per nation.

To determine a team’s nationality, at least one member of the team must hold the nationality of the given country. The organizer may lift this quota system depending on registration.

a) Registration for the competition is only possible in writing via the following method: by using the online registration form available on the website

b) The organizer will send a notification to the provided address regarding the confirmation of the received registration, any necessary additional information, and in case of acceptance, the issuance of the registration number along with the invoice for the registration fee.

c) A prerequisite for valid registration is the payment of the participation fee within 3 working days following the registration.

I. From 2024.09.14, any team that participated in the 2024 IBCC is eligible for priority registration. The first phase of registration will occur by invitation. The invitation, containing all the detailed information, will be sent via email to the lead member of each team that participated in the 2024 IBCC on 2024.09.14.

II. From 2024.10.05, anyone can register for the remaining spots up to the specified national quotas.

III. On 2024.12.15, the IBCC competition committee may lift the quota limits, giving teams on the waiting list the opportunity to participate.

d) Registration reviews and confirmation or rejection will be processed continuously. The organizer may designate a reserve team with whom a separate agreement will be made regarding the terms and availability (for later competitions).

e) The organizer is not required to justify the decision regarding the evaluation of registration.

f/a) The total participation fee for the competition (hereinafter referred to as the fee) is 2,000 EUR per team.

f/b) There is an option to register a fourth team member, in addition to the third, who will be considered a full team member. The fee for this is 300 EUR (this must be indicated on the registration form, making the registration fee 2300 EUR per team. It is not possible to add a fourth member to the team after the initial registration!

g) The fee covers the following for the entire team:

  • the cost of track rental, fishing, and supplementary services,
  • parking and camping fees, communal costs,
  • the territorial fishing license for Lake Balaton during the competition period,
  • organization and execution costs,
  • mandatory accident insurance,
  • meals as specified in the competition rules (CR),
  • contributions to the costs of trophies and the prize fund;
  • the registration fee does NOT include electricity services at the fishing spots.

4; Registration

a; Registration takes place at Balaton

b; Registration is possible only if the competitor has all the necessary documents; the process ends with signing the fully completed registration form.

c; Each competitor must hand over and submit the following written records and documents to the Organizer of the competition, in absence of them, participation in the competition is not possible:

  • Passport / driving license / ID card (identification document with photo)
  • Fishing documents (by nationality) necessary for issuing state license and angling license on Balaton

d; Each participant must sign the registration form.

e; With their signature in the registration, participants acknowledge that they have read and accepted the competition rules; moreover, they accept, in the case of disputes, to comply with the impartial decisions of the jury. “Declaration of acceptance of CR” can be found in Appendix 2 in the CR.

f; Each participant will receive a bracelet which he must wear throughout the competition.

g; The organizers will provide each team with a waterproof security card that contains all the necessary and contact information.

h; During registration, one member from each team will draw a number indicating the order of drawing pegs.

i; Teams that arrive late to attend the registration, or arrive after the registration has been closed, cannot participate in the competition and lose their registration fee.

j; The teams will compete with their names provided at the entry to the competition. The team name cannot contain any special characters. The length of team names cannot exceed 25 characters with spaces. If there is any ethical question (offending someone) regarding the names of the teams entering the competition, the competition jury will decide on the rejection of the name. The organisers have no obligations regarding the team names used!

The name list of the competitors provided at the entry cannot contain any special characters.

In addition to the team names provided when entering the competition, the competitors can also provide the names of two sponsors, which will be displayed on the page “list of teams entered” by the organiser.

k; All teams must choose a time in the timeframe provided by the organisers. Failing to do so or not arriving at the time chosen will result in extra administrative costs in the amount of EUR 200.

5; Jury

a; The Organizer must appoint a Jury to ensure successful implementation of the competition defined by the CR. The President of the Jury, as Head Marshal, is the manager responsible for the organization of the competition. The members of the Jury are the substitute for the Head Marshal, 2 persons from the marshals who weigh the fish, and 4 persons from the competitors. The Jury make their decision by simple majority. If the votes are evenly divided, the Head Marshal makes the final decision. “The List of Jury and Weighing Marshals” can be found in Appendix 3 of the CR.

b; Besides the Jury, marshals who weigh the fish, sector marshals, technical and administrative staff are also part of the official competition staff. Only the Head Marshal, his assistants, or the referees who weigh the fish have the right to issue directives for competitors. Sector marshals and other members of the Jury and official staff must indicate implementation and enforcement related to the CR to the Head Marshal, or in the case of his absence, his substitute.

6; Drawing pegs

a) The allocation of the teams’ starting positions is determined in the first round by drawing the order of selection by a designated team member during registration. The person designated for the draw pulls a number, which determines the order in which the teams will choose their starting positions (e.g., the team that draws the number 4 will select their starting position fourth).

b) In the second round, the specific starting positions are drawn in front of the on-site “Competition Map.” The designated person draws a number corresponding to a specific starting position, which can be identified on the competition map. If not all teams are present, the allocation of the starting positions will be modified according to the decision of the Competition Jury. Subsequently, team identification in the computer-generated charts will be based on the codes of the allocated starting positions, and local identification will be according to the “Competition Map.”

c) It is FORBIDDEN to occupy the allocated fishing spots before 07:00 on 2025.04.13!

d) It is NOT POSSIBLE to discard or change the drawn positions!

e) The sector and track assignments, the placed buoys, and the main information for the specific competition will be available for download on the competition website as the “Official Competition Map.” This map is Appendix No. 4 of the Competition Rules (CR), and it will be published no later than April 1, 2025.

7; Team

a) A team consists of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 full members (this is included in the registration fee). There is also an optional possibility to register one additional full team member for a fee of 300 EUR.

b) Only individuals who are at least 18 years old may register.

8; Equipment

a; A team can have 4 rods, with 1 single hook on each.

b; Maximum 2 boats are allowed per team.

c; Fish finders are allowed.

d; Each team must have at least 3 floating weight slings with a minimum size of 80X120 cm, in which they can secure the fish until weighing Using traditional carp sacks is forbidden! From the time of catch until the weighing, the competitors are responsible for the safety of fish. Keeping fish in sacks tied to the shore is strictly FORBIDDEN!

e; The additional equipment prescribed above, their presentation, and their proper and continuous use during the whole period of the competition are also supplemental and limitation conditions. Besides at least 2 large sized landing nets (minimum size 90X90X70 cm, below 1X1 cm weave), it is allowed to use a triangular landing net bigger than 60X60X50 cm for fish smaller than 5kg. This triangular landing net must also be densely woven. The 2 carp mats prescribed by the rules (minimum size 60X100 cm) must be used as extra support when landing fish bigger than 5 kg and taking them out from the water. Using carp mats is compulsory on boats too. Furthermore, after taking photos, it is compulsory to use care liquids (possibly invisible) for every fish.

f; The weighing tripod is a compulsory supplementary tool for all teams.

g; The lack or misuse of fish care equipment results in sanctions.

9; Water policy and regulations regarding the use of boats

a; For competitors’ safety, the condition of the boats that the competitors wish to use and their equipment are checked by the organizers according to the technical requirements and list of equipment published on the website or the CR (see CR).

b; All boats must meet the requirements prescribed by the Hungarian legislation in force and the prescribed conditions.

c; Only the boats that have been checked and received satisfactory labelling in the registration may be used.

d; If the organizers find defects in the equipment of a boat, they stop the check.

e; Subsequent to the check, the marshals issue a certificate which proves that the boat has all the necessary equipment and it is in satisfactory condition.

f; Each boat that has been checked by the organizers is given a security seal with a unique identification mark. Removing the security seal is forbidden until the end of the competition.

g; The organizers have the right to carry out spot checks on boats at any time before or during the competition.

h; Boat checks are carried out by the marshals at the pegs (already drawn)

i; The boat shall not be longer than 5 meters and shorter than 2.4 meters.

j; Using inflatable boats is allowed.

k; Only electric motors can be used in the competition.

l; The maximum speed of the boat must be 15 km/h.

m; Compulsory equipment for all boats in use:

  • a pair of oars
  • two life vests equipped with a luminous bar and whistle
  • an anchor with a minimum weight of 5 kg
  • 10-m-long string with tow ring
  • Foghorn

n; Wearing life vests on the boat is compulsory throughout the competition.

o; Putting the boat on water before the beginning of the competition is strictly forbidden.

p; The boat must be secured safely and properly on the shore.

q; Sleeping on the boat is strictly forbidden.

r; During the period of the competition 2 boats per team may be on the water, but in all cases, 1 full team member (not a runner) must be on the shore!

s; The marshal must be informed prior to boat change.

t; It is compulsory to comply with the rules related to storm warnings on Lake Balaton. These rules can be found on the competition website. Current storm warnings:

The teams are responsible for being aware of these rules.

u; Swimming in the lake during the whole period of the competition is strictly forbidden.

v; In the case of second level warning, it is strictly forbidden to be on the boat anchored to the shore.

w; Moving boats shall be illuminated at night (with head lamps or navigation lights).

x; Both boats of all teams will be equipped with a GPS tracker device, which will be mounted with a security seal with a serial number on it by the marshal. With the help of this device the Competition Committee will track the movements of the boats during the whole of the competition!

10; Other official rules

a) The official start of the competition is scheduled for 12:00 PM on April 13, 2025.

b) The official end of the competition is at 8:00 AM on April 19, 2025.

c) During the competition, it is prohibited to illuminate the water with powerful spotlights for extended periods or to disturb other anglers with lights or laser devices. Searchlights and smaller spotlights may only be used when necessary (e.g., for casting or landing fish) and must be used purposefully. The fishing area and the lines cast within it must be visibly and continuously lit at night. The use of headlamps by competitors is allowed at all times.

d) Baiting and feeding are permitted with any non-environmentally harmful materials, except for live bait.

e) A maximum of 4 rods may be used simultaneously, but additional equipped spare rods may be kept in case an active rod is damaged.

f) Fish hooked before the end of the competition will count towards the final result, provided they are landed within 60 minutes.

g) Bait limit! A team may have a maximum of 100 kg of bait, in any proportion. For example, 60 kg of boilies and 40 kg of cooked or soaked grains. The quantity of bait will be checked by the organizers.

h) To protect the fish, it is prohibited to bring catches under 10 kg to shore! It is recommended to have a weighing bag and a scale in each boat to check fish around 10 kg. Carp under 10 kg (which do not count in the competition) must be released immediately!

 11; Fishing rules

a) During the competition, only the competitors, organizers, and persons accredited by the organizers are allowed to be present in the designated competition area.

b) Only one member of the team may leave the designated competition area at a time.

c) At least one team member must always be present at the designated campsite.

d) It is allowed to place buoys at the fishing spot, with a maximum of 8 buoys per team. These buoys must be removed at the end of the competition.

e) It is not permitted to place your buoy within a 25-meter radius of a neighboring team’s buoy, nor is it allowed to cast over another team’s buoy.

f) The use of illuminated buoys is allowed; however, green signal lights are not permitted.

g) The maximum casting distance is based on GPS coordinates, which each team must determine using the GPS coordinates provided for their designated spot.

h) Leaving the area marked by the 4 GPS coordinates, fishing outside the boundary, baiting, using sonar, casting beyond, fighting fish, and casting from the boat outside this area are strictly prohibited.

i) It is the team’s responsibility to correctly determine the 4 GPS points. Each team has a maximum of 3 hours from the start of the competition to set these points. Afterward, GPS devices will be activated, and penalties for boundary violations will take effect.

j) Boundary crossings are prohibited even during fish fights.

k) The use of bait boats during the competition is strictly prohibited.

l) During a second-degree storm warning, wading into the water is permitted only while wearing a life jacket, up to a depth of 1 meter, and no more than 50 meters from the shore. This is allowed solely for fighting, netting, or temporarily storing an already hooked fish and is done at one’s own risk.

m) During a second-degree storm warning, it is strictly forbidden to cast, engage in any fishing activities beyond those specified in point n, or to bait while wading in the water.

n) In the case of breakaway rigs, the use of lead weights is prohibited! Therefore, using a lead clip designed for immediate direct lead release after a bite is strictly forbidden during the competition.

o) After landing a fish from the boat, the carp may be brought to shore for photographing in the following ways:

  • After unhooking, the carp may be towed along with the net left in the water, ensuring that the fish’s head faces the direction of travel.
  • After reaching the shore, the fish, which was towed from the boat or alongside it, should be placed into a rigid-sided carp cradle positioned on the shore for weighing and photographing. This transfer should be done by placing the fish into a floating weigh sling before moving it to the shore cradle.
  • It is strictly prohibited to lift or move a fish in the net to the shore cradle without using a floating weigh sling. The fish should only be lifted to the boat after successful landing.

p) During the competition, each team must search for and remove any fishing lines that may have broken off. The organizers will inspect this after the competition ends. If any broken lines are found in the water within a team’s area, that team will be disqualified from the 2026 IBCC!

 12; Local rules of the competition venue

a) After occupying the designated area, teams are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and protecting the environment. They must leave the area in the same condition as they found it. After the competition ends, all teams must vacate the location by no later than 12:00.

b) Making fires at the campsite is strictly prohibited, except in officially designated areas. The use of camping gas is permitted.

c) Camping is only allowed in the areas designated by the organizer, and teams must always follow the instructions of the competition judge regarding the placement of tents. Occupying or leaving fishing spots without consulting the competition judge is strictly forbidden.

d) For the safety of the competition and to avoid any irregularities, team vehicles are only allowed to move within the competition area during loading and unloading, provided permission is granted by the area owner.

e) Cars must be parked in the designated parking areas, and they are not allowed to move within the competition area during the event.

f) Competitors are required to collect their trash in sealed plastic bags, which will be removed by the organizers after the competition ends.

g) Competitors must comply with the organizer’s instructions throughout the competition, including the allocation of fishing areas (maximum 10 x 5 m per team) and access to those areas.

h) During the competition, only competitors (3 members + optionally 1 member), organizers, and persons accredited by the organizers are allowed to be present in the designated competition area.

i) Competitors may receive visitors, but only after coordinating with the local competition judge, and only between sunrise and sunset.

13; Rules of weighing

a; During the time of the competition, the organizers provide continuous weighing. Extra weighing may be requested during the night in case the 3 compulsory floating weight slings are full.

b; Competitors must actively cooperate in the weighing process, taking photos, and data collection. On the other hand, the weighing process may be suspended in justified cases when playing and landing the fish.

c; In case a fish is caught, competitors shall send and SMS with the word “Fish” and the name of the sector to the marshal designated for the given sector (e.g. Fish C2).

d; From the moment the fish is caught until weighing, the fish shall be kept in floating weight slings, in at least 1 m deep water. The quality of the floating weight sling is defined by the CR. It is strictly forbidden to tie the fish to the shore (in the first case, a yellow card is given). It is forbidden to use traditional carp sacks!

e; Weighing can be done only by the marshal using the scale provided by the Organizer and presented to the teams, otherwise the fish cannot be taken into account in the results.

f; One member of the given team or the team’s assistant, the marshal, and one member of the neighboring team or their assistant, who accredit the catch, shall be present when weighing the fish!

g; The documentation of weighing (time of catch, name of competitor, weight of fish caught) shall be signed and certified by one of the team members.

h; It is the competitors’ responsibility to check the accuracy of the data included in the documentation.

i; After official weighing, a photo will be taken of each fish in the following way. One of the competitors holds the fish in his hand, while the competitor sitting next to him holds the sector plate.

j; In the weighing process, the photo taken by the marshal takes priority over other photos taken for private use. After taking photos, the fish shall be released in the presence of the marshal.

k; The documentation may be modified only if it is countersigned by a marshal.

l; In case of discrepancies between the weighing data in the possession of the competitor on the one hand, and that of the marshal on the other hand, the data of the marshal will be deemed valid.

m; After completion of the weighing process, the marshal will send written documentation and photos to the central office of the organization to be registered.

n; In any event, the safety of fish is top priority. Therefore, taking photos and releasing fish shall be carried out carefully.

o; After the weighing process, the fish shall be released only by the marshal, or – under the supervision of the marshal – a member of the neighboring team or the team’s assistant.

p; Fish over 20 kg, which is likely to win the biggest fish prize based on the current results, shall be weighed twice. In case of discrepancies, the greater weight will be registered.

14; Evaluation

a; Only carps weighing 10 kg or more are valid in the competition.

b; The overall winner of the competition is the team with the heaviest total weight. In case of a tie, the team with the bigger fish wins. If the weight of the biggest fish of the two teams is the same, the average weight of all the fish caught decides. Defining the remaining places is also based on the scores. However, if the highest-scoring teams of the designated sectors are not among the overall three places, they are given special prizes (sector winner).

c; During the competition, continuous and objective information can be found on The performance of the teams (identification of fish species, number of fish, and average weight) can be seen with the help of the map and pegs. Here, there is also an opportunity to compare the teams’ own results with the catches indicated on the evaluation sheet.

d; The official final results will be announced on 27.04.2024 (Saturday) at the prize giving ceremony starting at 15:00.

e; Appeals related to the official partial results published on the website may be made within 12 hours after the partial results were reported, whereas appeals related to the final results may be made by 27.04.2024, 08:00.

15; Rules of awarding prizes

a; There will be two different award categories within the competition. This means that, besides awarding total weight, the total weight of the top 5 fish will also be awarded separately.

b; The prizes of the “Top 5 Fish” competition:

  1. place: 12.000 EUR
  2. place: 8.000 EUR
  3. place: 5.000 EUR

c; The prizes according to the weight of all the fish bigger than 10 kg caught by the team:

  1. place: 30.000 EUR
  2. place: 15.000 EUR
  3. place: 7.000 EUR

d; Prize for the biggest fish in the competition (common carp – mirror carp): 5.000 – 5.000 EUR

e; Further prizes within the sectors – total catch:

  1. place: 5.000 EUR
  2. place: 2.500 EUR
  3. place: 1.000 EUR voucher

 f; Attention! Each team may win only one prize except for the prize for the biggest fish. If unexpectedly there are no catches in a sector, the first three prizes are defined by drawing lots among the teams in the sector.

  1. Taxation on the awards are taken care of by the winners.

h; The organiser – upon the instructions of the party setting out the awards – reserves the right to unilaterally modify the rules regarding awards and in this connection to unilaterally modify the present competition rules! The decisions in this regard must be taken until 01.04.2024 and must be published immediately on the official communication surface of the competition.

16; Appeals

a; Reporting events that violate the CR is considered an appeal. Only written appeals may be made per e-mail to the address, in case of catches as set out in section 14; e;. Appeals that are handed in after that will be rejected without explanation.

b; After the competition has started, the CR cannot be interpreted. The organizers provide an opportunity for interpretation during the registration process.

c; If a competitor notices and reports an irregularity (it is advisable to document the irregularity by making videos or taking photos of it), the incident is investigated within 12 hours, and will have been closed by 27.04.2024, 09:00.

d; The administrative cost of appeal is 100 EUR per occasion and reported case.

e; The cost of the appeal that has been deemed justified by the Jury is returned. In case of unjustified appeal, the sum of money is not returned.

f; If a competitor notices an irregularity and wishes to report it as an appeal, he/she has to do that within maximum two hours of detecting the irregularity. This must be done in writing, per e-mail as set out in section 16;a.

17; Force majeure

a; In case the competition cannot be held due to unexpected (force majeure) events, the sum of money is refunded and the organizers transfer it back to the given bank account. Beyond these reasons, the registration fee that has already been paid is not given back, even if a team withdraws from the competition because of any reasons.

b; According to the CR, illnesses certified by a doctor, accidents certified by the police, or compulsory attendance before a court whose date cannot be modified in time are considered force majeure events. The following events are considered force majeure by the main organizer: measures ordered by the authorities due to the pandemic, unsatisfactory water level, sudden deterioration of water quality in case of external pollution certified by authorities.

c; If a force majeure event related to the main organizer takes place during the competition before 50% of competition time has passed, the results of the competition are deleted and the same field restart the competition in the next competition season with the same pegs (suspension of the competition). If more than 50% of competition time has passed until the force majeure event, the announcement of results is based on current results (interruption of competition). Declaring the cancellation, suspension, or interruption of the competition is the sole right and responsibility of the Head Marshal.


18; Rules for warning, penalty and disqualification


A: Warning – 4 hours penalty (all fishing activities shall be suspended!)

a; Wearing life vests on the boat is compulsory throughout the competition. Failure to do so leads to warning in the first case, a 4-hour suspension of angling!

b; During the period of the competition 2 boats per team may be on the water at the same time, but in all cases, 1 fully valid team member (not a helper) must be on the shore! (Violating this rule results in 4-hour suspension of angling).

c; One member of the given team or the team’s assistant, the marshal, and one helper of the neighbouring team or if there is no helper, then one active team member, who validate the catch, shall be present when weighing the fish. If, at the request of the marshal, the neighbouring team are not willing to accredit the catch by their presence and signature, the team in question must suspend angling for 4 hours.

The penalty starts after taking out the last rod. During the penalty no fishing, no boat use and no feeding is allowed!

B: Yellow card – 12 hours penalty (all fishing activities must be suspended!)

a; If the fish protection equipment are not used or not used properly, the comeptitors will be given a yellow card warning and the relevant penalty sanctions!

b; Bathing in the lake during the whole period of the competition is strictly forbidden and the violation of this rule results in a yellow card!

c; In case of using the boats at night, the boats must be illuminated (with head lamps or navigation lights)! The violation of this rule results in a yellow card warning!

d; The fish shall be played without disturbing the neighbouring teams, as far as this is possible! In case of a repeated crossing the boundaries, which is not allowed by the neighbouring team, a yellow card warning is given.

e; It is strictly forbidden to leave and to be outside the area indicated by the 4 GPS-coordinates. Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to feed, use fish finders, take the rigs further than this line, and cast from boats outside this area. The person who violates this rule is given a warning (yellow card – 12-hour suspension).

f; It is forbidden to use drop off rigs with lead. That is, during the period of the competition, it is forbidden to use any kind of clip that is designed for dropping off the lead immediately after the bite. Failure to comply with this rule results in warning (yellow card)!

g; After playing the fish from the boat, the carp can be brought to the shore for photo purposes as set out above (11/o), in case of violation a yellow card warning is given!

h; The inappropriate use of boat, lack of life vest, wading the water without life vest in case of second level warning result in warning which is followed by disqualification (yellow card: suspension of all activities related to angling for 12 hours).

i; Following the report of potential violation of rules, in case it cannot be proven that the reported team have violated any rules, the team reporting the violation will receive a yellow card!

j; From the moment the fish is caught until weighing, the fish shall be kept in floating weight slings – in the quality set out in the competition rules – , in appropriately (at least 1 m) deep water. It is strictly forbidden to tie the fish to the shore (in the first case, a yellow card is given). It is FORBIDDEN to use traditional carp sacks. The team using traditional carp sacks during the competition is given a yellow card!

k; If the marshals notice during the competition that the boat does not comply with the safety rules!

l; Any other violation of the competition rules, or of fish or environmental protection rules repeated after a warning or any other violation (yellow card: 12 hours, suspension of all fishing activities).

m; It is strictly forbidden to be outside the line indicated by the 4 GPS-coordinates! Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to feed, use fish finders, and cast from boats outside this area. The team that violates this rule is given a warning (yellow card: suspension of all activities related to angling for 12 hours) for the first time, and in the next case disqualification. All the fish secured by the non-compliant team at the time when the violation was noticed will not be included in the results. Furthermore, the team loses its priority in the registration process for the next IBCC.

n; The improper storage of fish and unfair treatment result in warning (yellow card: suspension of all activities related to angling for 12 hours).

o; The penalty starts after taking out the last rod. During the penalty it is not allowed to fish, to use the boat and to feed!

C: 24 hours penalty (all fishing activities must be suspended!)

In case of a 24 hours penalty all fish caught thus far will be cancelled!

a; Use of boat in case of a second level storm warning!

b; Severe violation of the rules regarding Violence, excessive alcohol consumption, and unsportsmanlike behaviour despite several warnings!

The penalty starts after taking out the last rod. During the penalty it is not allowed to fish, to use the boat and to feed!

D: Exclusion

a; In case of disqualification the partial results are also cancelled. The disqualified team shall stop fishing.

b; A yellow card after a yellow card or a 24 hours penalty after a yellow card results in exclusion!

c; Fish mortality or fish mutilation caused directly or indirectly by deliberate acts, furthermore labelling fish result in immediate disqualification, and will be reported to the fish protection authorities.

d; If an unregistered team member is on the boat, the team is immediately disqualified.

e; Any attempt to bribe the marshals or their assistants result in immediate disqualification and will be reported to the police. It will also result in an immediate disqualification, if the team tries to deceive the marshal and if the team attempts any kind of fraud at the weighing.

f; A team is immediately disqualified if they attempt to include a fish not caught by them in the results or try to weigh one fish more than once.

g; Using any kind of external help result in immediate disqualification.

h; Fish not caught by hook results in immediate disqualification.

i; It is strictly forbidden to put the boat in the water before the start of the competition, the violation of this rule results in immediate disqualification!

j; In case of second level storm warning, it is strictly forbidden to be on the boat anchored to the shore. (It results in immediate disqualification.)

k; The organisers are entitled to check the boats randomly after the beginning of and during the competition and the irregularities detected may also result in immediate disqualification.

l; If the marshal notices that apart from the 4 permitted rods other rods have been used, the team in question is immediately disqualified from the competition by the Jury.

m; It will result in an immediate disqualification and if justified it will be reported to the police, if a member of the team insults another person, behaves aggressively towards another person or causes wilful damage to public or private property during the competition for whatever reasons and this can be proved. If a team or one member of a team is affected by such event, this must always be reported to the head marshal immediately.

n; It results in immediate disqualification, if a team removes or tries to remove the GPS device secured by the marshal with a safety seal on the boat, which is used for tracking movement!

19; Liability

a; The organizers are not responsible for accidents or damage to the equipment, its use is solely the responsibility of competitors. On the occurrence of damage or accident, the terms and conditions of accident and liability that are signed in the registration are valid.

b; By signing the registration form, the competitor acknowledges the risks and that the organizers do not hold responsibility resulting from the deviation of the rules.

c; The GPS device received from the organizers must be given back undamaged and personally at the registration desk after the competition. If the team does not comply with this or brings it back with a damage, the deposit paid will be lost.

20; Marketing and media

a; IBCC is an international competition, highlighted in the calendar of the National Federation of Hungarian Anglers.

b; Teams shall support the work of accredited media representatives by granting permission to make interviews, take photos and videos.

c; By signing the registration form, competitors acknowledge that the pictures and videos taken during the competition may be published in the media.

d; It is strictly prohibited to publish their own records without prior written consent of the organizers.

e; Upon the request of the organizers, competitors have to withdraw personal pictures posted online on any platform.

21; Final provisions

a) This Competition Regulation was prepared using the EPBC regulation system, with the permission granted under point 98 of the EPBC regulations, and with the approval of the Hungarian National Fishing Federation (MOHOSZ) and the Balaton Fish Management Company (BHN Zrt.).

b) In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its current Hungarian and international regulations, protective measures, and travel restrictions, the Organizer reserves the right to amend, extend, or cancel this Competition Regulation due to force majeure. Any such decisions must be made no later than 15 days before the competition begins and must be immediately published on the official communication platform of the competition.

c) I, as the IBCC Chief Judge, hereby approve and issue this Competition Regulation (version 1.2, dated 2024.08.20) on behalf of the organizers:

 Tamás Csörgő
Head Marshal  

Dr. István Dérer
Director General, MOHOSZ OHSZK

Zsolt Szári
General Manager of BHN. Ltd.